Thursday, 27 January 2011

Riding night....jump the stress away.

Like most arty types, I have a 'day job' which involves intermittent bursts of creativity, interspersed with a lot what the rest of us know as an 'office job' writing reports and the like.

"When I grow up, I'd like to work in an office Mummy" I harped as a of course I didn't, I said "I want to work in a stables" and "I want to be an artist"

Anyway, life is all about getting the balance right, so a Thursday night riding lesson is the perfect ante dote to the working weeks stresses, as lucky old me, I don't work on a Friday.

I few rounds of jumping on the speedy Monty and there is not a chance that there is even the faintest hint of work related thoughts drifting around in your head, the adrenaline instantly neutralises them.

Hooray for Thursday night riding lessons!

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